Program Boarding School Sains Riset dan Teknologi MAN 1 Surakarta adalah salah satu program unggulan jurusan IPA yang menyediakan fasilitas asrama dan pengembangan diri untuk siswanya. Program ini diharapkan untuk menyiapkan peserta didik yang berakhlakul kharimah, taat dalam beribadah, dan mempunyai bidang keahlian sains, bahasa Inggris, dan ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) sehingga mampu mengembangkan diri sebagai intelektual muslim.

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Senin, 28 Februari 2022

Isra' Mi'raj 1443 H

Isra' Mi'raj 1443 H

    Isra' Mi'raj is the journey of the Prophet Muhammad SAW through the 7th heaven, occurring on the 27th of Rajab, the 10th year of prophethood. Isra' Mi'raj is a spiritual journey to meet directly with Allah SWT. On the other hand, Isra' and Mi'raj are actually two different events. However, because these two events occurred at the same time, it is called Isra' Mi'raj. Isra is the journey of the Prophet Muhammad from the Masjidil Haram in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Palestine which has been said by Allah SWT in the Qur'an Surah al Isra' verse 1. While Mi'raj is the ascension of the Prophet Muhammad from Al Aqsa Mosque to the sky to Sidratul Muntaha continue to the highest place to face Allah SWT. The Isra' Mi'raj incident occurred after Abu Talib and Siti Khadijah died. After the death of Abu Talib and Khadijah, the journey of the Prophet's da'wah became increasingly difficult. In the end Allah planned a spiritual journey for the Prophet.

    Before doing that, there is a spiritual series that the Prophet must go through first. The spiritual ritual began when the Angel Jibril, Mikail, and Israfil descended to earth, approaching the Prophet Muhammad one night. They quickly brought the Prophet Muhammad to the well of Zamzam in Mecca. Then they treated the Prophet Muhammad gently and asked him for permission to open his chest. Then Jibril washed the heart of the Prophet with Zamzam water. Jibril took out a container filled with faith and wisdom. He poured all the contents in the container into the heart of the Prophet, so that the knowledge of wisdom, belief, and Islam had crystallized with the heart of the Prophet.

    Then the Prophet Muhammad was brought by the angels to Sidratul Muntaha using a vehicle called the buraq, a white animal with a body larger than a donkey and smaller than a mule, and with wings. During the journey, he stopped by several places that had never been seen before. Jibril explained its historical values for every place he visited. The Prophet was also allowed to perform two rak'ahs of sunnah prayers in each place. Then the Prophet Muhammad was also shown the punishments of a disobedient servant with each type of sin. Places and events witnessed by the Prophet was a valuable lesson (ibrah) for him.

    After traveling to Isra', the Prophet and the Angel Jibril continued their journey to Sidratul Muntaha, the seventh layer of the sky. This spiritual journey is called Mi'raj. At every level of the sky, the Prophet Muhammad witnessed extraordinary sights. He met the previous Prophets with their pious followers. Sky after sky he passed, until the Prophet Muhammad reached its peak in the seventh heaven or Sidratul Muntaha, even Jibril could not surpass it. The Prophet also met with Allah SWT and was given the command to pray 50 rakaat. Then the Prophet negotiated the number of rak'ahs by asking Prophet Musa for advice. Until finally, from the Isra' Mi'raj incident, the command to pray five times a day was obligated for every Muslim.


Oleh Ardranitya B. F. Marchfida dan Agmalinda Rahmadinta

Oleh Wulida T. Fillah dan Nabila M. Putri

Oleh Nisrina Huda Aydina Harahap


Oleh Fatiha J. N. Azzahra dan Sahlani A. Majid


Oleh Fidel A. B. Karisna
Oleh Tazkia S. Kamila

Oleh Irfani A. Rahma dan Naila A. Allima

Kelompok 1:
  • Agmalinda Rahmadinta
  • Ardranitya Brilian Fery Marchfida
  • Fatiha Jihad Najma Azzahra
  • Fidel Alodia Benita Karisna
  • Irfani Aulia Rahma
  • Nabila Meylani Putri
  • Naila Aqillatul Allima
  • Sahlani Alifia Majid
  • Tazkia Syafa Kamila
  • Wulida Tsabita Fillah


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